eCommerce oversees goods and services that the University contracts with which are billed directly to the University and settled through charges to campus customers or invoices sent to the department that appear in the Customer Billing Management (CBM) system and Bill Presentation. This includes FedEx and the campus gas fleet card that is associated with University fleet cards.
For gas and dry ice orders, see the Gas and Dry Ice page.
Shipping – Domestic and International
- ePro Fed Ex Account Set Up – Quick Reference Card
- FedEx (New Users)
- FedEx (Existing Users)
- Chapel Hill FedEx Drop Off Locations
- FedEx Administration User Guide (for FedEx Admins Only)
Scientific Supplies (Chemistry Storeroom Only)
VWR International
VWR International is one of the world’s largest distributors of life science products, representing more than 1,300 suppliers and 750,000 catalogued products and services to support UNC-Chapel Hill. All of these products and suppliers are available online and accessible to your institution.
Service Owned By: