Wire Fund Transfers
Outgoing wire transfers, both foreign and domestic, are overseen by the Accounts Payable and Vendor Services team and then implemented by the Cash Management team. A wire transfer starts at the department level. Departments fill out the appropriate form of payment below, foreign or domestic currency, and then attach supporting documentation and obtain departmental approval for the transfer.
- Campus vouchers payable to foreign vendors in USD should be entered in ConnectCarolina. PO vouchers will be submitted normally through Accounts Payable and Supplier Management team.
- Campus vouchers for wire transfers in foreign currency are not entered into ConnectCarolina before the wire is processed, because ConnectCarolina is based in USD. Include all supporting documentation with the International Wire Transfer Form and submit via email to Jezreel Hunter at jezreelw@email.unc.edu. If the supplier is connected in PaymentWorks, only page one of the International Wire Transfer Form is needed. The vouchers will be entered by the Cash Management team after the wires are executed. PO vouchers will be submitted normally through Accounts Payable and the USD amount entered after wire is sent.
Sponsored projects require pre-audit approval from the Office of Sponsored Programs. All other wire transfer requests should be submitted to Accounts Payable. Once approvals are given, the Cash Management team completes the transactions. Complete instructions are included in each form.
Questions about wire transfers, foreign or domestic, can be sent to Accounts Payable or the Cash Management team.
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