Business Entertainment
Accounts Payable and Vendor Services oversees the University’s business entertainment expenses, ensuring that they are the appropriate use of funds, that they are within state and federal guidelines, and that they are reasonable expenses for the University which represent sound stewardship.
Business entertainment is often essential for employees to carry out the mission of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. However, not all fund sources may pay for business entertainment expenses. A requisition may be required if payment is to a business, if the cost exceeds $5,000 or if an advance payment is required.
Those who wish to claim business entertainment expenses for their units should review and be familiar with the Universities policies and procedures on this matter.
Policies and Procedures
- 1263 – Policy on University-related Business Entertainment Expenses
- 1263.1 – Procedure on Paying for University-related Business Entertainment Expenses
Campus Units should first attempt to pay for University-related Business Entertainment Expenses through an appropriate University Payment Card before requesting reimbursement.
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