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BuyCarolinaBuyCarolina, a new cloud-based purchasing solution, allows purchasers to comparison shop and make smarter purchasing decisions without having to “punch-out” to each supplier separately and start a new search. Instead of users having to perform separate searches across various suppliers, the system will return all similar products from different suppliers onto the search return screen. Purchasers can then compare items and their prices and select from the supplier they desire.

BuyCarolina allows departmental users to order online from contract vendors and pay electronically. These contract vendors provide deep discounts on UNC-Chapel Hill’s market basket.

Purchasing Limits

Most scientific, information technology and MRO supplies are limited to $25,000 per order through ePro. Vendors Airgas, Amazon, ARC3, Ferguson, Staples and Storr orders are limited to a maximum of $5,000 per order.

Vendor Look Up

Need help with order status, cancellation and returns or invoices?  Find the right contact information below for our 35 vendors in BuyCarolina.
Please note:

  • For FedEx, WEX/Wright Express (Vehicle Fuel), or Fisher Scientific (Chemistry Storeroom only), visit the eCommerce page instead.
  • For ARC3 and Airgas, see the Gas and Dry Ice page.
