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Fiscal-Year End Success GraphicAs June marks the end of our fiscal year, let’s review some of the highlights from this incredible year of change and innovation at the department of Finance and Budget. In September 2019, Vice Chancellor Jonathan Pruitt shared his vision for Finance and Operations and discussed three priorities for the division: General Operational Achievement and Success, Enhance Campus Risk Management and Improved Financial Performance and Success. 

This month, we’ll highlight achievements of the department as they fit into these priorities and add on two more areas to note: taking on the curve ball of the COVID-19 pandemic and organizational changes and accolades of the department. While we tried to hit the main activities, they are listed in no particular order and we certainly did not catch everything. Apologies in advance for any oversights (let us know if we missed anything – we’ll be glad to include them in our next newsletter).

We hope you enjoy an overview of your amazing work!

General Operational Achievement and Success

Enhanced Campus Risk Management

Improved Financial Performance and Success

Adaption to Change During COVID-19

Organizational Changes and Accolades of the Department

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