Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget
I am pleased to share that our initial new budget process was completed in July. For those of you who were not directly involved, we sought to create an entirely new process resulting in a workable budget for the fiscal year 2019-20 prior to its start. While the process was not without hiccups, I am extremely proud of the Finance and Budget staff who worked with our campus partners every single day for months to make this goal a reality. By the completion of fiscal year 2018-2019, we had created the beginnings of our future financial infrastructure and were able see more clearly into our campus finances by fund source. Next up is sharing what we discovered with University leadership, and prioritizing goals for next year’s budget process, which will include creating consistent reporting methods across campus units and refining the roles of central finance and unit finance leaders. It is important that we celebrate our successes, even as we learn from them. Looking forward, we will continue to define our budget planning processes, refine the tools we need, and have critical conversations with campus leaders and financial decision makers.