To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers, Res_Info Listserv
From: Stephen J. Agostini, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget
I am pleased to announce a functional realignment to our department that will enhance our ability to achieve our goals. Effective Feb. 10, 2020, we aligned our department with Vice Chancellor Pruitt’s strategic plan to maximize our existing resources while positioning us for future success. The realignment is a result of multiple discussions with Finance and Budget departmental leaders about current processes and operations and we are confident that this change will support our developing priorities and organizational and staff success.
As part of our realignment, the following transitions will occur:
- Manali Bettendorf, University Controller, now oversees Payroll Services, Accounting Services and Financial Reporting. Accounting Services will not have a director position and instead reports directly to Manali.
- A new Associated Entities and Investment Accounting group includes the Foundation and Investment Accounting team. Chandrika Rao is stepping into a new management role working with the University’s Associated Entities and this team. Chandrika will also continue as Associate Controller.
- A new Procurement and Strategic Operations area, led by Beau Jimmerson, includes Procurement, Card Services, and Travel Services, as well as Accounts Payable. Beau continues as Chief Procurement Officer as well.
- Treasury Operations and the University Cashier’s office will report to Scott Greer, Treasury Services Director.
All other units will remain as they are now.
While the changes above were effective Feb. 10, several other changes also have occurred:
- Rod Smith has been promoted to Director of Internal Controls.
- We are looking at forming a Capital Planning and Project Finance Team as part of our long-term plan to enhance financial management over University resources.
What will not change is our department’s dedication to serving our campus customers and the University’s mission.
The website will be updated in the coming months to reflect these organizational changes.