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URGENT: Profile Information in Concur

April 15, 2024

We are aware of an issue currently impacting Concur profiles and will share an update as soon as possible.

Categories: Travel News

TIM System Upgrade is Complete

April 15, 2024

The upgrade to the University’s Time Information Management (TIM) system is complete. Employees should ensure their time and leave reporting is correct before the close of the current pay period.

Categories: Payroll News, TIM Administrators News, TIM General News

2024 Fiscal Year-End Closing Dates and Procedures

April 12, 2024

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information regarding fiscal year-end procedures and critical campus-wide and statewide due dates for a successful fiscal year-end closing on June 30, 2024.

Categories: Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Controller News, Fiscal Year-End News

Dedicated Agent Services From World Travel, Inc.

April 11, 2024

Effective Tuesday, April 9, World Travel, Inc. has shifted UNC-Chapel Hill to a Dedicated Team of Agents. These agents will be solely responsible for supporting bookings for UNC-Chapel Hill.

Categories: Travel News

New Visual Theme for Concur System

April 9, 2024

Beginning April 10, users will see a refreshed look and feel to the Concur system, including new theme options and improved design consistency.

Categories: Travel News