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DDD – Annual Notice on Special Transactions for Biweekly Payroll

July 3, 2013

To:     University Business Managers From: Dennis Press, University Controller Date: July 3, 2013 This memorandum is the annual notice regarding special transactions that are processed to accommodate the biweekly payroll calendar.  PLEASE NOTE THAT FISCAL YEAR 2022-23 WILL CONTAIN 27 … Read more

2012 W-2s for Active and Inactive employees

February 1, 2013

To:   Business Managers From: UNC Payroll Services Date: January 28, 2013 2012 W-2s for ACTIVE employees will be available for pickup by Human Resource Facilitators on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please make arrangements to … Read more

2013 tax rules for BW14 and MO07

January 14, 2013

To: University Business Managers From: Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director, Payroll Services Date: January 8, 2013 Please see the linked notice concerning the new tax rules for 2013 that have been implemented beginning with Biweekly Payroll 14 (BW14) checks to … Read more

Reminder: Year-end payroll deadlines

January 14, 2013

To: Business Managers From: Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Date: December 3, 2012 For the EPA monthly payroll, payday Dec. 21, 2012, ALL actions affecting pay need to be in Payroll Services’ inbox by Dec. 13 and no … Read more

Biweekly Payroll REMINDER

May 1, 2012

To: Business Managers From: Dennis Press, University Controller Date: May 1, 2012 An annual DDD memo regarding the “27th biweekly” is provided to describe the transactions that are processed to accommodate the biweekly payroll calendar. The purpose of this memo … Read more