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Reminder on Purchasing via Personal Funds

January 11, 2021

Due to an increase in employee reimbursements and unauthorized purchases, we would like to remind campus to review 1227 – Policy on Unauthorized Purchases and 1251 – Small Order Policy regarding purchases through personal funds.

Updated! IC Speaker Form

October 22, 2020

To help speed up the process of hiring a one-day guest speaker to present to our campus community, the Accounts Payable team has worked with ITS to develop a stream-lined form and procedure for The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Update on Tax Reporting Obligations for Research Participants

August 21, 2020

Pursuant to U.S. tax laws, the University is required to issue an IRS Form 1099 to U.S. persons who receive $600 or more from the University during a calendar year. This applies to payments in the aggregate. Accounts Payable is the unit on campus that handles this reporting requirement.

Action Needed – Outstanding Credit Due to Departments from Vendors

July 20, 2020

In order to close the loop of any unanticipated loss of State funds to the University (as well as to the departments or units), we are requesting that business staff create a credit voucher and upload supporting documentation that funds were attempted to be retrieved at the time that the credit has been given.

Safely Updating Vendor Bank Accounts

June 15, 2020

While working remotely, the Vendor Coordinator team is noticing an uptick in the number of ACH requests for new and existing vendors. This is good from an efficiency and cost-saving perspective.

Updated Office Hours, Accounts Payable, Travel Services, P-Card

April 16, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, effective Monday April 20, the Accounts Payable, Travel Services, and P-Card office hours will be reduced to 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only. The shortened schedule affects emergency check processing, also. 

Accounts Payable, Travel Services, and P-Card Office Hours Reduced to Half-Days

March 31, 2020

Effective April 1, the Accounts Payable, Travel Services, and P-Card office hours will be shortened to half days in compliance with remote working and social distancing requirements. Hours of operation will be 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. P-Cards and checks can be picked up during those hours at the Administrative Offices Building (AOB), 104 Airport Drive, Suite 3500.

NEW! Resource for More Accurate Voucher Payments

November 25, 2019

For details on the best process to pay a vendor accurately, see our new Quick Reference Card (QRC) Creating a Campus Voucher to Pay in Individual with a PID, available at

New! One-Day Speaker Form

September 23, 2019

To help speed up the process of hiring a one-day guest speaker to present to our campus community, the Accounts Payable team has worked with ITS to develop a stream-lined form and procedure for The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.