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Lifting of State Freeze on All State Funds Including State Receipts

August 17, 2009

To:    University Business Managers From: Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  August 17, 2009 Effective immediately, the Office of State Budget and Management has lifted the State freeze that went into effect on July 24.  There is one remaining requirement. All travel and compensation adjustments from State funds must…

Categories: Budget News, Memos, Travel News

Approval to hire students during the state freeze

August 11, 2009

To:      University Business Managers From:   McGregor Bell, Director, Budget Office Date:   August 11, 2009 Effective immediately, our campus has received blanket approval from OSBM to hire students during the state freeze.  We will share more information with you as we have it.  If you have questions about this approval, please…

Categories: Budget News, Memos

StARS training sessions in August 2009

August 6, 2009

Additional training sessions for StARS have been scheduled for two dates in August.  StARS, the Student Award Reporting System, is a system used to report payments received by students and to submit tuition, fees and other awards for payment.

Categories: Memos, Training News

DDD – Updating your Pandemic Influenza Continuity of Operations Plan

July 29, 2009

As the University continues to monitor and plan for a possible increase in H1N1 flu cases this fall and winter, we are writing to ask that your department update its existing Pandemic Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).

Categories: Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Memos, Pandemic Flu News

DDD – Interdepartmental Fee Requests for Fiscal Year 2010-11

July 27, 2009

To: Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs University Business Managers From: Interdepartmental Fees & Charges Committee Co-Chairs Barron Matherly, Assistant Provost for Finance Kevin Maynor, Director of Cost Analysis and Compliance Dennis Press, University Controller This memorandum is the annual reminder regarding requests for interdepartmental fees and charges. In accordance with…

Categories: Fees News, Memos