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DDD – 2021 Fiscal Year-End Closing Dates and Procedures

April 19, 2021

TO: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs; University Business Managers; Campus Unit Finance Leads FROM: Manali Bettendorf, University Controller The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information regarding fiscal year-end procedures and critical campus wide and statewide due dates for … Read more

Reminder – Department Change Requests for FY 22

April 9, 2021

Please complete and submit the attached Department Update Form no later than Friday, April 9, 2021 to in order for the requested change to be tested and validated, effective July 1, 2021.

Procedures for June 2020 Payout

June 9, 2020

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide campus information on the June 2020 payout distribution to University and UNC-Chapel Hill Foundation Inc. endowments.  The approved distribution rate each year is targeted to be approximately 5 percent of market value, but the actual distribution could be lower if the endowment is underwater.   The term “underwater endowment” is used to mean one in which the endowment’s total market value is less than its historic book value or principal – i.e. the actual dollars contributed to the fund.

Temporary Exemption from the Daily Deposit Act (N.C.G.S. § 147-77)

April 15, 2020

On March 30, 2020, the North Carolina Department of State Treasurer approved a temporary exemption to the Daily Deposit Act which requires the University to make daily deposits of all state funds into an approved bank account. Conditions in the exemption are as follows:

Announcement of University Controller and Executive Director for Enterprise Financial Accounting

October 9, 2019

I am pleased to announce that Manali Bettendorf has accepted the role of University Controller and Executive Director for Enterprise Financial Accounting. Effective Monday, October 14, Manali will work to provide Vice Chancellor Jonathan Pruitt and I with strategic guidance on the annual comprehensive financial report, accounting policies, financial systems and fiscal policy.

Announcement about Aimee L. Turner

January 5, 2018

To:  Finance Council, University Business Managers, Finance Staff, MOU Financial Leads From: Dwayne Pinkney, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and CFO I am writing to let you know that Aimee L. Turner is resigning her position as … Read more

MOU Leads: Reminder – Reporting of Employer-Provided Vehicle Mileage, Employer-Paid Membership Dues and Moving Expenses

November 2, 2017

Major Organizational Unit Financial leads are required to report certain benefits provided to University employees for proper tax reporting on the Form W-2. This includes the employee use of an employer-provided vehicle, employer-paid membership in a club (e.g., Carolina Club, Admiral Club) or employer-paid moving expenses. If you are aware of this activity in your MOU, please provide this information for the period of November 1, 2016, to October 31, 2017.