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Upcoming Changes in GradStar

July 13, 2021

Earlier this spring, when we told you about changes that were coming to student award payments, we promised more details about the changes in GradStar as they were available. This email contains details about the changes along with an invitation to a webinar later in July where you can learn more and ask questions.

Categories: GradStar News

New Travel System Coming August 3, 2021!

July 12, 2021

We are excited to announce that the new Travel System will be available for all University Faculty and Staff effective August 3, 2021. The Travel System consists of three parts: the Concur online product suite; our new travel agency partner, World Travel, Inc.; and the Travel & Expense Card provided by Bank of America.

Categories: Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Travel News

New Software System for Endowment Accounts

July 12, 2021

Beginning in FY 2022, a new software system will be implemented to track the contribution value, market value and annual payout for more than 4,000 individual endowment accounts across campus invested in the Chapel Hill Foundation Investment Fund (CHIF). UAS will continue to be the software used for CHIF investment reporting through fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.  

Categories: Campus Unit Finance Leads News, Investments News

Payment of Mandatory Fees

July 9, 2021

We are writing to provide a reminder about the policy regarding payment of mandatory fees for graduate students. The full amount of mandatory student fees must be provided to all eligible students.

Categories: Fees News, GradStar News

Travel Subsistence Rate Revision – Effective July 1, 2021

July 8, 2021

Effective July 1, 2021, the State of North Carolina has increased travel subsistence reimbursement rates by approximately 5.0% for both in-state expenses and out-of-state expenses.

Categories: Travel News