To: University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads, OSP Communications, Research Info, HR Secondary Managers
From: The Cash Management Team
This e-mail is specifically for those who are responsible for graduate students enrolled in the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP).
The September 2022 GSHIP premium file has been uploaded into Connect Carolina and departments now have access to the GradStar GSHIP Administrator Premium Maintenance page to update allocations to Research Assistants/Teaching Assistants (RA/TAs).
The total cost allocation must equal the monthly premium amount of $395.05.
The last day to make changes in the system will be Friday, September 23, 2022.
Important Deadlines
- Last day to enroll students back to 8/1/2022 will be 9/30/2022. Also, 9/30/2022 is the last day students can enroll dependents without a qualifying event. The online dependent application form can be found on the Student Blue UNC RA/TA website.
- RA/TA students must complete waivers for the UNC Mandatory plan by September 10, 2022.
- BCBS will be submitting waivers for students who do not already have approved waivers for fall 2022.
Please contact if you have any questions about changes to enrollment status in ConnectCarolina. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Cash Management Team
Brett Kenney
Kangwei Qu
Stacy Masters
Keyana Kimbrough