To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
2018 Calendar Year End Sign Off Deadlines
- The SHRA Biweekly 14 (12/24/18 – 1/6/19) Sign off Deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2019
- The EHRA Monthly (December, 2018) Sign off Deadline is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019
2018 Calendar Year End Sign offs include the following:
- Winter and New Year Holidays
- University Closed Days
- Negative Sick or Vacation Payback
- Manual Vacation Rollover Adjustments
The “Holiday Reminders & University Closed Days” document is attached for your review.
Please also review the “Calendar Year End Information” document on how to look for employees in your departments who need to payback negative Sick or Vacation balances at year end or may need manual Vacation rollover adjustments because they do not have a standard FTE percentage. There is only a small number of employees with negative Sick or Vacation balances on 12/31/18 or with FTE percentages not equal to 50%, 75%, 80%, or 100%, so no employees may appear in your list.
Bonus 2018
As communicated to TIM Administrators previously – Earlier this year, the legislature granted a one-time award of five days, 40 hours, prorated for part-time employees, was granted to permanent EHRA and SHRA employees who were active in TIM on July 1, 2018. The hours, “Bonus 2018 No Payout”, were loaded into TIM effective as of July 1, 2018. These hours remain available during the length of the employee’s employment, have no cash value, and cannot be paid out at the end of employment or applied to Total State Service.
As you are aware, Vacation leave amounts of more than 30 days (240 hours) on December 31 are transferred to the Sick leave accrual. The Special Annual Bonus 2018 leave included a provision that each hour of the Bonus 2018 leave used during a calendar year will be deducted from the amount of Vacation leave transferred to Sick leave accrual.
The “TIM Bonus 2018: Rollover Adjustments” reference card attached provides detailed information on how the deduction from Sick is determined and how to find employees affected.
Employees who have a Vacation balance on 12/31/2018 that is over 240 hours AND have used Bonus 2018 Taken hours in 2018 will have a calculated amount of hours deducted from their Jan. 1 Sick balances. Please refer to the reference card for more information. If requested, historical corrections to change Bonus 2018 Taken hours to a different leave type or to enter Vacation hours taken in 2018 for these employees may be entered in TIM until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019. Later that evening on Jan. 15, an amount will be deducted from these employees’ Jan. 1 Sick balances in TIM. Therefore, historical corrections affecting Bonus 2018 Taken or Vacation leave in 2018 for these employees must NOT be entered after the deadline passes to ensure the amount deducted from Sick is accurate.
Employees not who did not have any hours rollover from Vacation to Sick or did not have any Bonus 2018 Taken hours in 2018, will not have any hours deducted from Sick and are not impacted by the historical correction deadline.
See the N.C. Office of State Human Resources detailed description of the FY 2018-2019 Special Annual Leave Bonus.