To: University Business Managers
From: Janet Rupert, Accounts Payable
As a follow up to the July 20 memo on the purchase of bottled water for coolers and delivery services (such as Diamond Springs, Crystal Springs and Le Bleu, for example), we need to remind departments that purchasing bottled water from State funds is not normally allowable. When electing to order this service, other funding sources such as trust funds should be used, consistent with the fund authority.
There are situations where State funding might be warranted: under the condition that there is a problem with the water quality. UNC campus receives its drinking water from the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA). OWASA is committed to delivering high quality drinking water to its customers. OWASA’s website ( provides information on their water quality standards.
In the event of a question on the water quality in a campus building, the department can call Environment, Health and Safety at 919-962-5507, send an email to, or contact Facilities Services Customer Service line at 919-962-3456. If, after review, there is a water quality concern, arrangements for bottled water will be made and State appropriated, or F&A, funds may be used. Be aware that if State or F&A funds are used for drinking water, it is the responsibility of the department to ensure the appropriate justification is available in the event of a state audit.
UNC Facilities Department has already installed all code required number of water fountains on campus. If additional water fountains are needed in a campus building, they must be departmentally funded and can be installed by submitting a work request through
For more information on bottled water purchases, contact