To: HR Council and Secondary Contacts, University Business Managers, Student/HR originators
From: Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services
The University requires all employees to be paid by direct deposit as mandated by University Policy 1106, Direct Payroll Deposit. This allows paperless transmittal between the University and banking institutions and provides a safe, reliable method for ensuring employees’ receipt of their pay.
This memo serves as an update on how changes in direct deposit authorizations should be submitted to Payroll Services. All changes to direct deposit information must occur by the employee in person in the Payroll Services office. This change is being made due to heightened security concerns surrounding this process.
Please be aware of the information below and share with your employees as deemed necessary.
Initial Direct Deposit Authorizations
Payroll Services will continue to accept an employee’s initial direct deposit authorization forms from departments through United States Mail or campus mail.
Changes in Direct Deposit
To make changes to currently active direct deposit authorizations, an employee must bring the completed paper Direct Deposit Authorization Form in person, to Payroll Services. Employees will be asked to show photo ID when they deliver the form. Payroll Services is open Monday-Friday 7:30-4:30 and is located on the third floor of the Administrative Office Building (AOB). The GPS address is 104 Airport Drive, Chapel Hill NC 27599.
Payroll Services will not accept electronic submission of direct deposit forms either by email or fax.
Parking Information
When arriving at the Administrative Office Building (AOB) to make changes to direct deposit information, employees with valid campus permits can park in an unmarked space. Employees can also park in one of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) visitor spaces. The employee will need to go to OHR Service Center (Suite 1500) on the first floor of the AOB to obtain a temporary parking pass for their car window.
If there are no spaces available in the main lot and the employee has any main campus parking permit, the employee may park in the R1/R2 overflow parking lot located across the street from the AOB.
Related Information
Direct Deposit Authorization Forms can be found at
If you have questions regarding the changes in Direct Deposit, please email for assistance.