TO: School/Division HR Officers and Secondary Contacts, Business Managers
From: Walter Miller, Interim Director of Payroll Services, Payroll Services, Noreen Montgomery, Senior Director of Employment & Staffing,Office of Human Resources
As a follow-up to the most recent HR Council meeting, effective April 3, SHRA employees will no longer complete paper Federal and State Income Tax withholding forms (W-4 and NC-4 forms) during New Employee Orientation. New employees will be directed to complete their tax forms using the online forms available for viewing and updating on the Self Service menu on the ConnectCarolina home page.
This change will improve the security of confidential employee information and decrease any errors that could result from manually capturing tax form data. In addition, using Self Service within ConnectCarolina will allow employees to almost instantaneously update their Forms W-4 and NC-4 and receive an email confirming any changes.
Exceptions are only for the following employee types, who must complete appropriate paper forms. These can be downloaded and printed at:
- individuals filing for North Carolina tax exemptions (those using form NC-4 EZ)
- employees who reside and work in a state other than North Carolina
- nonresident aliens
If you have questions regarding this change, please contact Walter Miller, Interim Director of Payroll Services at 919-962-0472 or