To: MOU Leads
University Business Managers
From: Mechelle Clayton, IT Manager, Enterprise Applications, ITS
Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services
Carly Perin, Exec. Director, F&A Finance and Financial Shared Services
Date: June 2, 2015
Since Oct. 2014, the project team responsible for both CBM and Bill Presentation has worked steadily to make process improvements to both systems. We recognize that during the time of data conversion and CBM-Bill Presentation system go-live in Oct. 2014, data was not as understandable as it is at the present time. In addition, data for October charges was unavailable. Since that time, significant changes have taken place to assist with fiscal year-end preparations and beyond. Several recent updates are explained in detail below:
Customer Billing Management for Carolina Inn:
General Ledger Accounts
The Customer Billing Management team worked with Disbursement Services to standardize General Ledger (GL) Account to more accurately reflect the services received. Up to now, account 558921 (meetings and amenities) was being used for all service charges. The team has added two new GL Accounts for room and parking service charges. Effective Tuesday, June 2, service charges will be as follows:
- Account 558914 — for room charges and charges to the room that are not food, e.g. parking
- Account 534110 — for alcohol charges
- Account 558921 — for all other charges
If multiple Accounts might be allowed for a given service charge, Carolina Inn will send what the given Account should be. This Account can be changed, however food charges and alcohol charges must be on non-State funds.
Combo Edit Errors Corrected
Room charges that were processed incorrectly due to a combo-edit error with Account 558921 have been corrected to use Account 558914, and those charges have been processed to the extent possible. Note: Some of the corrected and reprocessed charges may be from Oct. 2014 due to the combo-edit error.
Customer Billing Management for eCommerce Vendors
eCommerce charges (ex: FedEx, AirGas, Dental/Mini Storeroom, Fisher Chemistry/Scientific Storeroom) that failed to process due to combo-edit or budget errors were reprocessed using the default eCommerce chartfield string provided by your MOU Lead. The eCommerce charges were processed Monday, June 1. Note: Reprocessed charges must be reviewed and a journal entry must be created if the department prefers a chartfield other than the default chartfield string.
To view the originally designated chartfield string, navigate to Description 4 in Bill Presentation. A follow-up communication will be sent when the reprocessed charges are available in InfoPorte and Bill Presentation.
We recognize that this business process change is inconvenient and are working on a system solution so that charges to an invalid Account are automatically charged to the default Account as was the case prior to CBM-Bill Presentation system implementation. We anticipate this change taking place later this summer.
We appreciate your cooperation and continued feedback via focus groups, user group meetings and liaison meetings. We will communicate updates and enhancements as they occur.