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This Finance Division Daily Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff.  Finance will send these daily updates as needed. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.

Top Issues

  • New! Travel processes:  As a follow-up to Friday’s TIP meeting, we are working on a communication that will clarify travel processes such as advance, reimbursement and authorization.
  • New! Voucher: Users should use one of the following paths in the Accounts Payable system to search for vouchers:  Accounts Payable>Review Accounts Payable info>Vouchers>Voucher OR Accounts Payable>Vouchers>Add/Update>Regular Entry>Find an Existing value tab. The Voucher Search page was removed due to security concerns.
  • New! Independent Contractor:  The Independent Contractor form is a customization for UNC and was originally developed so that forms could not be resubmitted if the requests were denied. This functionality has now been changed so that users can resubmit an Independent Contractor form if denied by Disbursement Services. Campus users will no longer have to create new Independent Contractor forms upon denial.
  • Commitment Accounting:  Just a few reminders:
    1. Funding end date is required when a project is being charged directly.  It is not okay to remove the funding end date when the project is charged directly.  It is okay to remove the funding end date for cost share though.  If the fund code begins in 252XX, DO NOT remove the funding end date.
    2. Lump sum payments for approximately 120 employees have been charged to a grant that ended before 12/1/14.  Manual updates will be made to replace the expired combo code with the home department’s suspense combo code, since projects that ended before 12/1/14 cannot be charged for ARP. MOU leads will be contacted this week about individuals whose actions were sent to suspense.
  • November Month-End Close: Central Offices (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) should conclude processing November transactions this week and will ensure journals are posted if received by the deadline to be processed through departmental workflow which was November 24.
  • October Month-End Close: Central offices continue to work with State-level agencies to complete the transmission and reconciliation of all October transactions, and to obtain approval to officially close the month of October.  Additional transactions to chart strings of campus departments for October are not anticipated.

Important Reminders

  • ViewStar: The ViewStar imaging system will be decommissioned at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 10.  ViewStar runs on an XP platform and can no longer be supported to the level of security standards required by the University.  Its use will not be extended, as it is being replaced by ImageNow.

    When ViewStar is shut down campus will no longer have access to attachments/images: ePro 8.9 Small Order Process, Web Travel, Web Vendor, Account Request, Check Request, and InDEPTh.  Procurement and Accounting Services are working out procedures for departments to use to request copies of those documents and will communicate them soon.

    • In the meantime, if there are any documents created in Account Request that you need copies of, you should access them and print them before 5 p.m. on Dec. 10, 2014. All the images in ViewStar have been migrated to ImageNow and are accessible in the Central Offices.  We are working on defining processes.
    • To access legacy account request/fund authority information, select the Finance Central link at the top right of the Finance Division homepage.  From there, users should sign in and go to their Inbox.  Then users should select Search UNC and then Account Request.  Search by the old Department Number to view the requests.
    • Clarification:  The above tip only applies to Account Requests/Fund Authorities that were originally created in the Account Request system which was deployed in 2007.  Anything prior to that date is not affected by the decommissioning of ViewStar.
  • New! GradStar: We’ve added some GradStar walk-in clinics to the training schedule. These sessions are a great opportunity for you to get informal, one-on-one assistance with GradStar award entry, if needed, and are not full training classes.  No registration required. The clinics are being held December 15, 16 and 17, from 8:30 a.m. to noon, in the AOB Finance Training room (3101).


All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Your help ticket will be answered by a team dedicated to working on Finance questions and issues. Business Systems Help Desk hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
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