To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
Date: November 3, 2014
Please read below for information about the Biweekly 09 sign-off deadline extension, TIM Account Codes and SPA Non-Exempt to Exempt FLSA position changes.
Biweekly 09 Sign-Off Extended Deadline
You will have an extended time to process Biweekly 09 (10/20 – 11/2). We will need to remove sign-offs of Biweekly 09 timecards on Monday, Nov. 3, and Tuesday, Nov. 4, for the TIM imports. Therefore, the Biweekly 09 sign off deadline has been moved to 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 5.
You may sign off Biweekly 09 timecards in TIM, however, we will be removing them on Monday evening and Tuesday during the day to run the TIM Imports.
Because the deadline has been moved, you may not be available to sign off timecards on Wednesday morning. Therefore, a final sign-off will be applied by Payroll at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 5, to any Biweekly 09 timecards that have not been signed off.
PLEASE NOTE – TIM requirements to ensure timely payment have NOT changed. To ensure timely payment, you must hire employees successfully in the HR system within the pay period in which they start work. We cannot guarantee timely payment to employees hired in the HR system after the biweekly pay period has ended. You will likely need to enter REG ADJ historical edits in the current pay period in TIM for those employees.
TIM Account Codes Reminder
Account transfers made in TIM must be made to a new TIM Account Code. Transfers to old FRS account numbers will not be accepted. Account Transfers are not needed for the source accounts tied to positions or to transfer hours to a secondary position. Account Transfers in TIM are used only to charge hours to an account that is not the employee’s source account. Please contact your Department’s Financial Lead if you need assistance.
SPA Non-Exempt to Exempt FLSA Position Changes
Please notify TIM Support of any SPA Non-Exempt employees whose position will change from Non-Exempt to Exempt effective in Biweekly 09 (10/20 – 11/2) or Biweekly 10 (11/3 – 11/16) by emailing the employee’s name, PID and the effective date of the change to We must receive notification before the Biweekly 09 or Biweekly 10 sign off deadline to ensure the employee will be paid timely. We expect the reports with this information to start running again in Biweekly 11.