To: P-Card Holders
Business Managers
From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services
Date: March 13, 2012
Several modifications have been made to the Approvals tab in response to user comments/suggestions.
1. There is now only one button, SUBMIT, at the bottom of the Approvals page:
There are three option buttons to the left of each transaction. The reconciler can select the SAVE option buttons for transactions to be saved, APPROVE option button for transactions to be approved and REJECT option button for transactions to be rejected. Then click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page. This takes care of all the transactions and all the actions (save, approve, reject) with a single click. The user does not need to save some transactions to the database, wait for the page to reload and then approve other transactions.
2. It is now possible to edit multiple transactions to charge the same account number without going from transaction to transaction. Note: If there are changes made to the account number, or any of the cost codes, you must save the transactions before approving the transaction.
3. If a transaction is rejected, the reconciler should place comments outlining why the transaction was rejected.
Details about these modifications have been added to the P-Card Manual located on the Finance Training website: Questions can be directed to the P-Card team at