To: UNC Employee TIM Users
From: Time Information Management (TIM)
Date: July 1, 2010
Subject: New TIM Thinstall Application
The TIM Thinstall application has been upgraded to add support for Windows 7 and update the version of Java used in the application.
Two versions of the new TIM Thinstall application are currently available for download at version you should select from the ‘Select OS’ drop down menu will depend on the operating system of the computer. Users of Windows XP and Vista should select UNCTIM 5.1 and Windows 7 users should select UNCTIMWin7.
It is recommended that old versions of TIM are deleted from the Desktop prior to installing the new version and that the new version of TIM is installed and run from the Desktop.
On Sunday, July 11, 2010, the previous version of TIM Thinstall, UNCTIM4.1, will be deactivated. At that time, employees will be required to use the new version of TIM Thinstall.
MAC users will continue to log into TIM using the HTML client.
If you need assistance with installing the new TIM Thinstall application, please contact your Technical Support Group or 919-962-HELP (4357) for assistance.