To: Business Managers
From: Dennis A. Press, University Controller
Phyllis C. Petree, Director of Internal Audit
Date: April 12, 2010
Beginning in April 2010, the Internal Audit Department will review data in and processes related to the Time Information Management system (TIM). During this review, the audit team will evaluate TIM system controls and will visit a sample of University departments to evaluate how these departments manage their data in TIM. Audit work in departments selected for this review will consist primarily of interviews with the TIM Administrator in each department. These interviews will provide a way to identify and evaluate how departments enter, approve, and ensure the accuracy of information in TIM. The auditors will also review time and leave records for a sample of EPA and SPA employees in the selected departments.
In the next few weeks, the Internal Audit Department will contact areas that will be included in the TIM audit. These departments will be selected randomly.
If you have questions about the audit, please call Phyllis Petree or Kerri McNeill at 919-962-5524. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.