To: University Business Managers
From: Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Services
Date: December 11, 2008
Receipt of Pay
January 2, 2009, is a scheduled payday, and also a University-scheduled holiday. For those on direct deposit, monies will be in their accounts as of 9 a.m., Friday, January 2, 2009. Other checks (terminations, one time payments, new hires, etc.) will need to be picked up by the Human Resource Facilitator on Monday, January 5, 2009, and distributed to employees. Pay checks for employees currently being mailed will be mailed on January 5, 2009.
For Departments that are not live in TIM (for timekeeping) timesheets routinely turned in for pay will need to be in Payroll Services by Noon, Wednesday, December 17, 2008, in order to be processed for payment for the January 2, 2009, payday. Due to the shortened work week associated with BW13, it is imperative that this deadline be adhered to for this cycle.
Approval Process for Departments live in TIM (for timekeeping)
An alternate approval cycle will be used for the B13 pay period ending December 21, 2008. Since sign off can only be processed after the pay period closes, we will use the approval process rather than sign off to indicate records are ready to transmit to Payroll.
Employee approvals for hours worked December 8 through December 21, 2008, must be entered at the end of the last shift worked in the pay period, but no later than 9 p.m., Sunday, December 21, 2008.
- Student and temporary employees may continue to record via timestamp or swipe badge terminals even after their records have been approved.
- SPA manual time entry employees should post all hours worked through midnight no later than 9 p.m., Sunday, December 21, 2008.
- Managers or TIM Administrators should process period-end approvals for the current pay period (using reconcile time card) no later than 9 p.m., Sunday, December 21, 2008, however approvals may be processed earlier.
All employee and manager approvals should be processed before the pay period closes; approvals will be used as opposed to sign off to assure this is completed. Payroll Services will sign off on SPA records for live departments in TIM. TIM Administrators can review and make any corrections to the approved TIM records until 9 a.m., Monday, December 22, 2008, but no changes will be accepted after this time.
Thank you in advance for your time and attention to this important matter.