To: Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs
Human Resources Facilitators
Business Managers
From: Dennis Press
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Controller
In a memorandum to you dated October 15, 2007, information was provided about the University’s E-Pay program, which refers to both the electronic deposit and notification of pay. The E-Pay program was included as one of the University’s PACE initiatives for implementation during fiscal year 2007-08. The memorandum described the advantages of direct deposit of pay in efficiency and effectiveness for both employees and the University. The ability to view details of earnings and deductions through secured web access of direct deposit notifications was also described, and information on computer access and training and banking services was provided. The purposes of this memorandum are to:
- request your assistance to ensure all employees complete enrollment in direct deposit of pay,
- notify you regarding a change in the distribution process for paychecks, and
- remind you about web access to pay information.
Enrollment in Direct Deposit of Pay
Effective January 1, 2008, all employees were to use direct deposit of pay. There has been a noteworthy increase in participation in direct deposit of pay; however, not all individuals have enrolled. This follow-up memorandum is to request your assistance to ensure full participation in direct deposit of pay. Please assist with compliance with the direct deposit of pay policy by requesting individuals in your area of responsibility to enroll. Your help is invaluable. HR Facilitators have access to the Payroll and Check Register which indicates whether an employee is paid by check or by direct deposit.
The direct deposit of pay policy notes that a special situation exists for faculty, post-docs, and EPA student employees (EPA rank codes 01 – 05 and 20 – 28) since they may have payroll effective dates which fall before the actual date they are able to physically report to your department to complete required federal I-9 forms and comply with the Employment Eligibility Verification (EEV) process for new hires. To assist with the direct deposit and EEV processes, a separate Direct Payroll Deposit Authorization (PR-8A) form for faculty, post-docs, and EPA student employees (EPA rank codes 01 – 05 and 20 – 28) has been developed.
Direct Payroll Deposit Authorization (PR-8A) forms should not be submitted for processing for these new hires (EPA rank codes 01 – 05 and 20 – 28) until an employee reports for work and completes the federal Form I-9 witnessed by an authorized hiring/appointing department official or other official authorized by the EEV unit in the University’s Office of Human Resources. Therefore, the first payroll payment to faculty, post-docs, and EPA student employees may be made by paycheck if necessary to allow compliance with EEV requirements.
EPA non-faculty staff (EPA rank codes 06 – 19) and SPA permanent, temporary, and student employees will use the Direct Payroll Deposit Authorization (PR-8B) form, which should be submitted upon hire so the employee’s first payroll payment will be by direct deposit. The direct deposit of pay policy provides additional information.
Distribution Process for Paychecks
Currently paychecks are distributed by Payroll Services each payday in the Bynum Hall basement from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Paper copies of direct deposit notifications have been discontinued; and paychecks are only written in special situations such as the final paycheck for a terminating employee and the first paycheck for new faculty, post-docs, and EPA graduate students to allow compliance with EEV requirements. Since only a small number of paychecks are written consistent with the direct deposit of pay policy, the distribution process is changing.
Effective July 1, 2008, paychecks written consistent with the direct deposit of pay policy (such as the final paycheck for a terminating employee and the first paycheck for new faculty, post-docs, and EPA graduate students to allow compliance with EEV requirements) shall be picked up by the departmental HR Facilitator at Payroll Services in Suite 3600 of the Administrative Office Building between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on paydays.
Effective July 1, 2008, other paychecks written (such as paychecks for employees who have not enrolled) will be mailed out on payday to the employee’s home address. Employees should verify that Payroll Services has their correct mailing address by reviewing the address printed on their most recent paycheck.
Web Access to Pay Information
Employees on direct deposit can view details of earnings and deductions through web access of their direct deposit notifications. The web access provides a secured capability to view or print direct deposit notifications for the current pay period and for each payroll period during the previous 12 months. Employees can access pay information at here by selecting E-Pay / Direct Deposit Pay Stub and using their Onyen and Onyen password. Web access for E-Pay also provides an Administrative Menu so that a departmental administrator can print a copy of a direct deposit notification if needed. Employees may also print a copy of their direct deposit notification if needed.
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the E-Pay program, please contact me at or 919-962-7007, or contact Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Services at or 919-962-0046.
Thank you for your support of this important program.