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The Finance communications team maintains email lists for specific audiences involved in finance-related operations of the University. In addition, the team oversees newsletters related to financial actions, internal controls and department news. University faculty and staff may subscribe to relevant lists to ensure timely notification of action items, and Finance staff may subscribe to the Finance Insight newsletter. All department staff and personnel who handle University finances or cash are encouraged to subscribe to the Internal Controls newsletter. Details are available below.

The Finance communications team maintains the following email lists (Microsoft Groups):

  • University Business Managers
  • SAQ Preparers

Faculty and staff can manage their group membership by clicking the “manage Finance email list subscription” button above or by searching for a group within Microsoft Outlook or Office 365. A list of group subscriptions can be found underneath your inbox and list of related folders within Outlook and Office 365. All emails sent to a group will appear in the archive folder for that group within your list of group subscriptions. In addition, by default, you will also receive those emails in your inbox. To change your settings:

Microsoft Outlook

  1. Navigate to your list of groups (below your inbox and list of related folders).
  2. Select (click on) the desired group.
  3. Click on the “Group Settings” button at the top of the screen.
  4. Choose the desired option.
Group inbox within Microsoft Outlook
Click the image to view a larger version.

Office 365

  1. Navigate to your list of groups (below your inbox and list of related folders).
  2. Select (click on) the desired group.
  3. Click on the ellipsis (three dots) to the right of the “Send email” option and choose “Settings.”
  4. Choose the desired option.
Group inbox within Office 365
Click the image to view a larger version.
Please note: Unlike the old business managers’ listserv, only people with administrative access may send messages to the University Business Managers Microsoft Group. If you would like to send a message to the group, send the required info to The message will be forwarded to the group after administrative approval.
The Finance communications team oversees the following newsletters:

  • ConnectCarolina Finance Update: to subscribe, join the University Business Managers list (see the Email Lists tab).
  • Finance Insight: for staff in the department of Finance only. To subscribe, use the form below.
  • Internal Controls Update: for all campus personnel who handle University finances or cash.

Subscribe to Finance Insight Newsletter (Finance Staff ONLY)

Email Address:(Required)

NOTE: Only UNC-Chapel Hill faculty and staff are allowed to subscribe to these email lists and newsletters. Unauthorized subscriptions will be removed.