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Hiring Graduate Students 2023-24

December 13, 2023

Please see the corrected memo below regarding the hiring of graduate students. Also included is an updated stipend calculator tool that should be used for salary actions (hires, terms, transfers, return from work break) effective Jan. 1, 2024 and after. To: … Read more

2022-23 Hiring Graduate Students

April 14, 2022

Please see the attached memo regarding hiring graduate students for 2022-23 from Suzanne Barbour and Beverly Wyrick.

2022 School Year GSHIP Enrollment Update

August 12, 2021

We have confirmed that BCBS is now mailing out UNC RA/TA ID cards to students. Students who have already been enrolled for the new year should start receiving the ID cards this week (8/9/2021). Students who were enrolled last year can still use their same ID card for this year. Their policy number will not be changing for this new benefit year.

Student Travel Reimbursements and GradStar Reporting

July 22, 2021

 To:   Campus Finance Leads, University Business Managers  From:  Rachelle Feldman, Interim Vice Provost, Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions,  Associate Provost and Director, Scholarships and Student Aid, Suzanne Barbour, Dean, The Graduate School, Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance and Administration, The Graduate … Read more

Upcoming Changes in GradStar

July 13, 2021

Earlier this spring, when we told you about changes that were coming to student award payments, we promised more details about the changes in GradStar as they were available.

Payment of Mandatory Fees

July 9, 2021

To: Deans, Chairs, Directors of Graduate Studies, Student Services Managers, Business Managers From: Suzanne Barbour, Dean of The Graduate School; Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance and Administration We are writing to provide a reminder about the policy regarding payment of … Read more

FYI – Changes Coming to Student Payments

May 25, 2021

Students at the University North Carolina at Chapel Hill are involved in many types of activities and may receive opportunities and payments from a variety of sources. Changes are coming to the method and timing of how they receive payment for some of these opportunities. This memo was sent to graduate students and is copied as an FYI to University Business Managers.

Hiring Graduate Students 2020-2021

June 12, 2020

To: School/Division HR Officers and Secondary Contact, Business Managers, Student Services Managers From: Suzanne Barbour, Dean; Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance/Administration; ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll Graduate students may be hired for a semester, academic year, calendar year, or other periods as needed. Each school/division … Read more

Fiscal Year End Reminder and GradStar CLOSING

June 9, 2016

Please note the following for GradStar year-end processing: In order for 2015-16 awards to be posted in the Finance system for fiscal year 2016, the awards must be entered by 2:00 p.m. on JUNE 16.  This deadline only affects those … Read more