To: Campus Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Rachelle Feldman, Interim Vice Provost, Enrollment and Undergraduate Admissions, Associate Provost and Director, Scholarships and Student Aid, Suzanne Barbour, Dean, The Graduate School, Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance and Administration, The Graduate School
You have likely heard about the changes to student payments coming in August 2021, including how certain travel payments to students may now be considered financial aid and must be reported through GradStar. We wanted to let you know that we are working closely with Finance and Operations to clarify definitions, policies, and procedures for managing travel payments for your students. In the meantime, you or your students may contact the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid,, if you have questions about how a travel award may impact financial aid eligibility.
We hope to share an update next week. Thank you for your patience as we navigate these complex