To: University Business Managers
From: The Cash Management Team
This email is specifically for those who are responsible for graduate students enrolled in the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (GSHIP). A few reminders for the coming semester:
- Students who are graduating, withdrawing or no longer working need to be terminated in ConnectCarolina before Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2022. Please email the Cash Management Team once you are finished updating the student’s status.
- If you have RAs or TAs who were just hired, be sure to submit their GSHIP paperwork by Friday, Dec. 16, 2022, so that a policy ID number can be issued to them prior to the Jan. 1, 2023, policy effective date.
- Once enrolled in GSHIP, BCBS will waive students out of the mandatory student health insurance plan. Students who decline GSHIP coverage (and have private health insurance coverage) must waive out of the mandatory student health insurance plan.
- Spouse and dependent coverage is available on the GSHIP plan, and can be completed directly with Blue Cross/Blue Shield at 1-800-579-8022.
If you have any questions, please email the Cash Management Team at Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Cash Management Team
Brett Kenney
Kangwei Qu
Stacy Masters
Keyana Kimbrough