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To: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs (DDD), University Business Managers (UBM), Campus Unit Financial Leads (CUFL)
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

We are excited to announce that the new Travel System will be available for all University Faculty and Staff effective August 3, 2021.  The Travel System consists of three parts: the Concur online product suite; our new travel agency partner, World Travel, Inc.; and the Travel & Expense Card provided by Bank of America.

What’s New?
1. Concur – our new travel and expense software platform, consisting of:

  • Concur Request, for Pre-Travel Approval.
  • Concur Travel, for online travel booking.
  • Concur Expense, for expense reimbursement processing.
  • Concur Mobile App, for access on-the-go and mobile receipt capture.

2. World Travel, Inc. – our new Travel Agency partner supporting all facets of University Travel.*

  • Booking via World Travel will be required for all employee travel.
  • Simple domestic and international travel can be booked online, via Concur Travel.
  • Complex travel, group travel, study abroad travel, etc. can be booked with World Travel’s designated team of agents.

*Athletics Travel will continue to be supported by our travel agency partner, Anthony Travel

3. Travel & Expense (T&E) Card – our new, preferred payment method for University Travel, provided by Bank of America.

  • Required for use by identified employees who incur frequent travel and/or business entertainment expenses.
  • Transactions will automatically feed into Concur Expense for ease of reconciliation.

What’s Next?

  • Faculty and staff will automatically have access to the Concur system beginning August 3, 2021.
  • Use of CABS for airfare booking will no longer be available for employees effective August 3, 2021.
    • Student and Guest travelers will continue to use CABS until further notice.
  • Use of Web Travel for expense reimbursements will be phased out over time.
    • A decision tree will be provided to campus to help determine which system should be used for expense reimbursements.
    • Student reimbursements will continue to be processed in Web Travel and Guest reimbursements will continue to be process via Campus Voucher until further notice.
  • Campus Units and Departments will continue to disseminate T&E Cards to identified employees.
    • Cards issued prior to the launch of Concur will be turned on for use on August 3, 2021.

Where Can I Learn More?

  • Visit the Concur page of the Travel Services website for access to User Guides, Quick Reference Cards (QRCs) and Computer-Based Trainings.  For question regarding Concur, please email
  • Visit the Travel & Expense Card page of the Payment Card Services website for access to training, forms, and policies.  For questions regarding the T&E Card, please email

Please ensure this information is shared with all employees in your area.  Thank you!

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