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To: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs (DDD), University Business Managers (UBM), Campus Unit Financial Leads (CUFL)
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

Please note: the Concur Q&A Sessions scheduled for 4/21 – 4/23 are being postponed and will be rescheduled at a later date.

Due to a state policy approval issue, the launch of the Travel System is being postponed until June 24, 2021. While the issue is not expected to take two months for resolution, this pause will ensure a go live date without any additional delays. All university travelers may continue to utilize CABS, Web Travel and Campus Voucher for their booking and reimbursement needs at this time.

In the interim, we are excited to continue our transition to our new Travel Agency partner, World Travel, Inc. (WTI). WTI will be supporting all individual campus travel (except for Athletics) via CABS effective April 27, 2021. In addition, if you have other travel booking needs like Group Travel, Study Abroad, or Meetings & Events, WTI’s designated team of agents is poised and ready to help. You may contact WTI at 877-602-4950 or via email at

We are also pleased to provide you with the training materials for the Travel System. Please visit the Concur webpage of the Travel Services website to view the Step-by-Step Guide, Quick Start Guide, numerous Quick Reference Cards (QRCs), and find access to the Computer-Based trainings. On the Travel & Expense (T&E) Card site you will also find links to the new T&E Card Policies, Handbook, and Training. Please note that the roll-out of the T&E Card is postponed along with the Travel System. You are welcome to review these training materials but we recommend that T&E Card Accountholders wait to complete the training and quiz until closer to launch.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to bring these exciting innovations to campus. If you have questions or need assistance with travel, please contact the Travel Team.

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