Here are some updates on system actions:
PAAT Redistributions on New CDME Premium Pay Earn Codes
The system-generated CDME premium pay will automatically distribute using the employee’s current chartfield strings. But if you need to submit a PAAT action to redistribute the pay on those earn codes (MOR, MR8, MR9, MOO, MO8, MO9) then you will need to use the appropriate CDME account number in BOTH the Override Account and Account fields, similar to how Longevity redistributions are done in PAAT. The existing MOR (etc) transaction’s Override Account field on the PAAT action will show you the appropriate account number to use for that employee’s class.
Note – if your employee had multiple employee classes on the same paycheck (usually due to having several active job records with different employee groups or being transferred effective DURING a pay cycle instead of at the start), then you would need to submit a help ticket as normal so we can set-up an override on your PAAT action before you can use the account numbers, including the MOR etc accounts, for any checks with mixed employee classes.
More Statuses Added to the PAAT Review Pending Transactions Report
Ever wonder why your PAAT action hasn’t been posted yet? You can now search by the Department or School/MOU levels or for a specific project ID for ALL outstanding/unposted PAATs. In addition to PAAT actions currently in “In Progress” or “Pending Approval” status, you can now also look for PAATs in “Approved” (distribution process has not begun**), “Pending Actuals Distribution” (distribution process is underway and the adjustments should be posted in Finance that night ), “Distributing Today” (distribution process has finished and the adjustments will be posted in Finance that night) statuses, or search for “All Five” to get a list of all five of those statuses at once.
**Note on Approved status: The PAAT distribution process is usually run at least once per workday (usually in the morning) *except* during payroll confirm/distributions or on the last two business days of the month. More info including links to the payroll schedules can be found at