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This page is dated. Please refer to Updated! IC Speaker Form page.

Speaker graphicEvery year, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill brings in quite a number of guest speakers to address students and participate in forums across campus.

This special category of worker is so often used, the Accounts Payable team worked with ITS to develop a stream-lined version of the Independent Contractor form, 708.3.1f – One Day Speaker Checklist Form so that such speakers could be enrolled into the payment system with less paperwork and paid promptly.

Starting September 27, all departments can start using this new process.

Policy 708.3

Definition of One-Day Speaker

  • The speaking engagement lasts no more than 1 day during a calendar year
  • The honorarium does not exceed $5,000.00
  • The speaker is a US person who can provide an IRS form W-9 with the one-day speaker checklist

If the speaker presenting does not adhere to these above qualifications, the department should establish this vendor/supplier through the 708 – University at Chapel Hill Policy on Independent Contractor Policy and 708.1 University of North Carolina Procedure on Independent Contractor Process.

For questions or more information, contact Accounts Payable at


(Available in UNC PolicyStat on Friday, September 27)


Frequently Asked Questions

Can a musician or photographer qualify for the One-Day Speaker form?
No. These categories must use 708.1 Independent Contractor Predetermination process.
How do I know if this is the speaker’s only engagement in the calendar year?
The speaker should verify this fact when filling out the form. If in doubt, use the standard 708.1 Independent Contractor Predetermination Process.
What if I’m not sure that the speaker will speak again during the calendar year?
Use the form for the first speaking occurrence. If the speaker returns to campus, he or she will need to use the standard 708.1 Independent Contractor Predetermination Process for all subsequent engagements during the calendar year.
Will I still need to submit a new vendor request for the approved speaker form?
Yes. Just like a regular Independent Contractor, a new vendor request must be sent through Campus Supplier if the speaker has not been issued a supplier ID previously.
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