To: MOU Finance Leads, Business Managers, Finance Central Office Staff, Finance ConnectCarolina Liasons
From: ConnectCarolina
As you may already know, the ConnectCarolina Finance system is being upgraded to the latest software version to include important security, accessibility and functional updates and we’d like to call your attention to a few things.
- Upgrading the software requires a ConnectCarolina outage.
- The outage for the Finance and HR/Payroll applications begins at NOON on Friday, December 7.
- InfoPorte and SAS Visual Analytics reports will be available during the outage weekend with data current as of Thursday, December 6th. Visit the Finance Upgrade website for additional information on Reporting.
- The Ad-hoc Queries (RPT)environment will not be available until Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018 at 7:00 am.
- You will notice some updates to the screen layout and field labels as well as new features and functionality including:
- You can now copy a budget transfer.
- You can now resubmit a budget journal or transfer if a change was made after it was submitted for approval.
- New WorkCenters for Central Office staff.
- The Recently Ordered screen allows you to see your most recent purchases.
ConnectCarolina Outage Times
- Finance: beginning at NOON on Friday, Dec. 7 until 7:00 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 10.
- HR / Payroll: Beginning at noon on Friday, Dec. 7 until 7:00 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 10.
- Student Administration (Faculty & Students): Beginning at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8 until 8:00 a.m., Sunday, Dec. 9.
Faculty: we recognize that you may be entering final grades this weekend, so we adjusted the upgrade schedule to keep the outage window as small as possible for faculty and Student Administration staff.
Important to Know about the System Outage
- TIM and Viewing Paychecks
- You will not able to use the Self-Service functions such as View Paycheck during the outage. December 7 is a payday, and you will be able to view your paychecks until noon when the HR/Payroll system goes offline.
- The TIM system will be available, but you will not be able to access it using the link in ConnectCarolina. If you need to use TIM during the outage, go to
- ePro Ordering
- ePro orders cannot be placed or changed during the outage since they are part of the ConnectCarolina Finance system.
- If you need to place an Airgas order after noon on Friday, December 7, email These emails are routed to Teresa Suggs (919-544-3772 ext 311) or Jason Newhouse (919-544-3772 ext 312). Airgas will handle the orders over the outage period and work through the orders into the ConnectCarolina after it is back up and running.
- ARC3 orders placed after noon on Friday, December 7 until 7:00 am, Monday, December 10 should be placed directly with Michael Banks at
- The Finance Upgrade web page on has outage details, key changes you will notice, a list of the specific systems affected, and sample screenshots of changes.
Contact the Service Desk at 919-962-HELP or if you have questions or concerns. For more information on the outage and changes you can expect (if you work with Finance component), go to