To: University Business Managers, Research Administration Support Group
From: BJ Tipton, Program Manager, Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling; Ammar Yameen, Director, eProcurement and Materials Management
Effective immediately, University departments should follow the guidelines below for recycling printer cartridges on campus; used printer cartridges should no longer be sent to Central Receiving for recycling.
Inkjet and Laser Toner Cartridges
Inkjet and laser toner cartridges from departmental printers can be recycled through Staples. Used cartridges should be boxed, clearly labeled as “Staples printer cartridges” and given to Staples personnel when they deliver Staples orders or left in a designated accessible location. All questions or concerns regarding the timing of Staples deliveries or pickups should be directed to Staples Customer Support at
Xerox Multifunction Device Toner Cartridges
Toner cartridges from Xerox multifunction devices are recycled by Carolina Managed Print Services. Used Xerox toner cartridges should be placed in an empty cartridge box or other box, labeled “Xerox printer cartridges” and left at your building’s campus mailbox station for pickup by University Mail Services. Questions about recycling or pickup of Xerox cartridges should be directed to Zanetta Bailey, University Mail Services, at 919-962-5474 or
Please share these updated procedures with staff in your department that may be impacted by these changes. Instructional campus recycling flyers are also available to print and post in your areas. For questions regarding University recycling programs, contact the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling at 919-962-1442 or For a comprehensive list of campus recycling services, visit
Thank you for supporting campus recycling initiatives and helping the University achieve the Three Zeros Environmental Initiative’s zero waste goal.