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To: University Business Managers, MOU Financial Leads, Research Community

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director, Procurement Services

Re: Genesee Scientific to be added to ePro

Last year a Scientific Advisory Team (SAT) was formed for the primary purpose of bringing together a group of key stakeholders representing the University of North Carolina’s scientific community to mutually share concerns and ideas that are central to the research community’s mission and needs.

Through SAT’s efforts, Genesee Scientific was identified as a supplier of scientific-related products which provide value to the scientific community.  SAT requested that Procurement Services add Genesee Scientific to the eProcurement platform.  I am pleased to announce that Genesee Scientific will be available in the ConnectCarolina ePro Vendor Catalog effective Wednesday, July 27, 2016.

Beginning July 27, 2016, all orders to Genesee Scientific should be placed through ConnectCarolina.  Any currently outstanding Genesee Scientific invoices should be paid by P-card or by creating a requisition to Genesee Scientific.

Please direct any questions to Bernard Law, Purchasing Services, at or 919-962-3774.

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