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To:     University Business Managers

From: Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance and Administration, The Graduate School

Date: July 16, 2015

GradStar training will be held next week, July 22, from 3-5 p.m. in the AOB Finance Training Room.  This session will cover the basics of using GradStar – no new information will be presented, so if you have already attended a session in the past there is no need to sign up again.  However, we will hold a few walk-in help sessions in August to assist users with questions on entering fall awards. Times and dates of these help sessions is to be determined and will be announced as soon as possible.

Visit to register for the July 22 training session.

As a reminder, please find the User Guide and other helpful information on The Graduate School website, under the Policies/GradStar section:

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