This Finance Division Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, ConnectCarolina Finance Liaisons, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division. We will send updates weekly and as needed.
Top Issues
- December Month-End Close: Central offices have officially closed the month of December. This includes the transmission and reconciliation of all December transactions, and state approval to close the month.
- NEW! Actual Earnings Distribution: A follow-up memo was sent earlier today with more details about the issue.
- February Month-End Close Deadline: Journal entries, data collect batches and journal imports should be processed through at least departmental workflow by Feb. 27, at 5 p.m., in order to ensure the journal will be posted in February. Central Office (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) will ensure journals are posted if received by that date.
- January Month-End Close: Central Offices (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) continue to work on January month-end close.
Important Reminders
- InfoPorte Demos, Webinar and News:
- Correction! Webinar: InfoPorte Release 6.3.1, Monday, February 23, 12-1 p.m. will cover the updates to InfoPorte in the 6.3.1 release, which are primarily associated with the Finance Ledger Rollup and Transaction tabs.
- Large venue demos: Reconciling in InfoPorte: Balances, Transactions and Reporting, have been rescheduled to Feb. 24. There will be two sessions, choose one to attend: 12:30-1:30 p.m., 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Hitchcock Room, Stone Center. One of these will be recorded for those not able to attend. More information and a training calendar can be found on the ccinfo website.
- InfoPorte Reporting Update: You can view the latest ConnectCarolina/InfoPorte reporting newsletter, including a listing of new features, at this link.
Users are encouraged to call the Help Desk when they are unsure who to contact for issue resolution. While users may have worked with a specific consultant or BA for another issue, any new issues must be submitted via a remedy ticket, not by calling an individual directly. This is the fastest was to obtain assistance and allows the project team to be able to track issues to determine the scale of the impact to all users.
All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern).
Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
Suggestions for content can be emailed to