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This Finance Division Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff.  Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.  We will send updates weekly and as needed.

Top Issues

  • Customer Billing Management (CBM):  To clarify, the processing time/date for all CBM transactions is midnight on the 22nd of each month unless otherwise noted due to University closing.  You have until end of day on the 21st to modify the chart string on your charges.
  • Campus Journal Entries:  
    • The Correcting Voucher JE type does not allow you to change the Account code. The reason is that Disbursement Services has no way to track these changes and it is directly tied to purchasing data used for contract negotiations. If you need to change the Account code, contact Disbursement Services at You must include the voucher number, the new account code, and your justification.
    • There is a new Campus JE type called Billing State Receipts. This type must be used with any billing JE where the credit line (the billing entity) is the State, which are fund types beginning with 201 or 211.
    • A Campus JE Chartfields Matrix document has been developed that shows the allowable chartfields per Campus JE type. The Campus JE types control which chartfields you can use, so if you get a “value doesn’t exist” message when entering a Campus JE, it is most likely because the chartfield is not allowed. The matrix is posted on under Training > Resource Documents.
  • Month End Close and Journal Entry Deletes: Once a journal entry is saved and you have a Journal ID, the journal entry date cannot be changed.  All journal entries either have to be posted or deleted by closing since the closing prevents any further processing of them in closed periods. The Campus Query to review all Unposted journal entries is:   NC_GL_JRNL_NOT_POSTED_DEPT1.  This “NOT” posted query will display any journal that isn’t posted by Central Offices. It is the responsibility of the campus user to get the journals through department approval.  Campus users should ensure any journal displayed in the “NOT” posted query has completed departmental approval.
  • Voucher Errors: A new Quick Reference Guide on Voucher Matching and Error Troubleshooting Query is available on>Resources.  This quick reference relates to using query to identify your department’s vouchers that are held up with errors.
  • Vouchers:  A change took place Friday, Jan. 23, that removes the Address Lookup on the Voucher / Invoice Information page.  Now, when you select the Location Lookup, the Address data will be displayed and you only need to select the appropriate Location/Address combination. This will update the payment information appropriately.  This information will be incorporated into the Campus Voucher User Guide.
  • Vendor Create:  When creating a vendor for an employee that is not currently in the system, remember that an employee vendor will not be usable in Web Travel until a two-night process is completed after the vendor is initially established.  This is because there are two overnight steps to move the vendor banking information from Payroll to Web Travel. For example, if you create a vendor on Monday, the vendor will not be established until the Monday and Tuesday overnight processes have been completed.  The vendor should be established by Wednesday.
  • Paycheck Support Role:  The project team plans to launch the paycheck support role next week.  This role will allow a small group of HR representatives to have access to view the information in other employees’ paychecks so that they can answer questions for employees related to taxes, benefits, deductions, etc. Training documentation for this role will be made available.
  • Encumbrances:  Look for a stand-alone communication about this topic coming soon.
  • December Month-End Close: Central Offices (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) continue to work on December month-end close.
  • January Month-End Close: Journal entries should have been processed through at least departmental workflow by Jan. 28, at 5 p.m., in order to ensure the journal will be posted in January.  Central Office (OSR, Accounting Services and the Budget Office) will ensure journals are posted if received by yesterday.

Important Reminders

  • Vacation and Sick Rollover Reminder: Vacation rollover to sick leave happened in TIM on Jan. 1 for active SPA and EPA permanent employees.
    • In the Jan. 23 paystubs for biweekly employees and Jan. 30 paystubs for monthly employees, the vacation hours that rolled over to sick leave will appear in the Vacation “Used This Cycle” box and will appear in the Sick “Earned This Cycle” box.
    • Vacation hours that rolled over to Sick on Jan. 1 will then appear in the Vacation “Used This Year” box in paystubs for the remainder of the 2015 calendar year.
    • Hours added to Sick from the Vacation rollover on Jan. 1 will then appear in the Sick “Earned This Year” box in paystubs for the remainder of the 2015 calendar year.
  • User Groups Meeting: The first user group meeting is a joint HR/Payroll and Finance kickoff meeting to be held on Feb. 6 from 11 am to 12 noon, in the Genome Sciences Bldg., Room G100.  More information about User Groups can be found on
  • Commitment Accounting:   Remember that a Quick Reference Card, Working with Budget Errors and Warnings, addresses fixing common budget errors and warnings when working with ePAR forms.  Find it at>Resources.
  • Submitting tickets:  Users are encouraged to call the Help Desk when they are unsure who to contact for issue resolution.  While users may have worked with a specific consultant or BA for another issue, any new issues must be submitted via a Remedy ticket, not by calling an individual directly.  This is the fastest way to obtain assistance and allows the project team to be able to track issues to determine the scale of the impact to all users.


All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern).

Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
Suggestions for content can be emailed to

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