To: MOU Leads
Finance and HR TIPs
University Business Managers
HR Officers and Secondary Contacts
Research Administrators Support Group
From: Dennis Press, University Controller
Date: December 5, 2014
On Nov. 12, we communicated instructions for entering retroactive funding swaps in ConnectCarolina. While the retro functionality covers the majority of scenarios, the current design has limitations. The following charges cannot be retroed using an ePAR:
- Non-regular salary (longevity, overtime, fringe benefits only, shift differential, etc.)
- Charges incurred from Lump Sum payments
- Charges on a vacant position
- Charges for a period that have already been retroed (retro on a retro)
- Charges for hourly employees that hit suspense due to low budget in the Department Budget Table
Any necessary retros for these types of charges will be handled with a journal entry. A Request Form for Retroactive Journal Entries has been developed to assist campus with gathering the necessary information. These journal entries will have to be entered by a Finance Business Analyst.
To request a journal entry, submit a remedy ticket and attach the completed journal entry form.