To: MOU Leads
University Business Managers
Date: November 12, 2014
Finance and Administration in working with Internal Audit has reviewed the process for Carolina Inn and Rizzo Center and have determined that as the charges are reviewed in CBM we will no longer be required to route these charges through departmental workflow. However, Major Organizational Units should ensure that the person acknowledging the charges in CBM is not the same person requesting the service.
Based on this decision, we will process the vouchers that were created late October and post these charges this week. Please be aware that this will include any vouchers that were previously denied. The details of the Carolina Inn and Rizzo Center charges are viewable in University Bill Presentation. Please access University Bill Presentation in ConnectCarolina under the Finance folder in the left hand column. If you have any questions about CBM or Bill Presentation please feel free to submit a remedy ticket or email If you have questions about the vouchers being processed please email Tammy Jorgenson of Disbursement Services