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To:     Business Managers
Finance MOU Leads

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services
Norma Newton, Finance Business Manager

Date:  November 5, 2014

In the Nov. 4 edition of the daily Connect Carolina Finance Update, we announced a temporary provision for customer service support for Procurement Services through 919-962-3722.  This additional support is effective immediately and will continue through the normalization of operations within Procurement Services.

Under this arrangement, the Business Service Coordinators within the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Financial and Accounting Services and the Office of the University Controller will be available to answer basic questions related to (Procurement/Disbursements) business needs, basic procurement and disbursement processes, appropriate contact points, and basic follow-up needs.

Please note that this support pertains to basic Procurement-related inquiries.  For technical questions, please continue to utilize the ConnectCarolina Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP (4357).  Thank you for your understanding and support.

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