This Finance Division Daily Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff. Finance will send these daily updates as needed. Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.
Top Issues
- ePro Vendor Catalog: We have received tickets from users who stated they were unable to submit orders and were unaware of a new requirement to check the budget before submitting a requisition. The submit buttons will be available once the requisition has a valid budget. This information is being added to online help.
- Payroll: Following are some notes regarding Oct. 31 paystubs:
- In the upper right section of the EPA paystubs, the item marked “Annual Salary” displays base salary only, not supplements. However, supplements are still included in the gross pay amount.
- Some EPA employees who receive a Mobile Communications Device (MCD) stipend did not have a separate line item for the stipend amount. However, the stipend is still included in your gross pay amount.
- Web Travel:
- Travel Voucher Status: An interface from ConnectCarolina to Web Travel is intended to feed back the status of travel voucher processing as it moves through to “Payment Complete” status. There have been some problems with that interface that are only partially resolved. As a result, users may find the status of their documents in Web Travel stuck in “Vouchered” status. Due to the problem with the interface, “Vouchered” status does not necessarily mean that the voucher hasn’t been processed through and payment hasn’t been made. If a user has identified a Travel Document submitted some time ago that has not been paid, the user should follow the path below to check on voucher status. If there is still a problem, contact Ethel Rodriguez in Travel Services (919-843-5094) and she can check the status of the voucher in ConnectCarolina. We are working on this problem as a very high priority.
- To Look Up Details in ConnectCarolina for Travel Documents in “VOUCHERED” Status: Main Menu > Finance Menu > Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Entry > Find An Existing Value (Tab) > Enter T# in Invoice Number field
- Rejecting a travel document: We have received reports of users being unable to Reject a travel document. This is somewhat Internet browser specific. If a user experiences this problem, Internet Explorer in compatibility mode should be used to see if the document can then be rejected. To set compatibility mode in Internet Explorer, select Tools -> Compatibility View Settings and make sure is entered. If the user is unable to reject the document in compatibility mode, Ethel Rodriguez in Travel Services (919-843-5094) can help users complete the reject process. We are working on a fix for this problem and expect to deploy it Monday evening.
- Travel Voucher Status: An interface from ConnectCarolina to Web Travel is intended to feed back the status of travel voucher processing as it moves through to “Payment Complete” status. There have been some problems with that interface that are only partially resolved. As a result, users may find the status of their documents in Web Travel stuck in “Vouchered” status. Due to the problem with the interface, “Vouchered” status does not necessarily mean that the voucher hasn’t been processed through and payment hasn’t been made. If a user has identified a Travel Document submitted some time ago that has not been paid, the user should follow the path below to check on voucher status. If there is still a problem, contact Ethel Rodriguez in Travel Services (919-843-5094) and she can check the status of the voucher in ConnectCarolina. We are working on this problem as a very high priority.
- Vendor Questions: If you are receiving questions from vendors, please ask them to contact Bernard Law, Director of Purchasing Services at Purchasing Services has been communicating directly with vendors regarding ConnectCarolina. Payments have been made to all major vendors. PO Vendor Invoices are not involved in the voucher backlog, only the campus vouchers are involved.
Important Reminders
- System Availability: ePro 9.1 is available 24/7. ConnectCarolina Finance is available 7 a.m. – 7 p.m., Monday – Friday; and from 7 a.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday; with a maintenance outage window Sunday from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. Full 24 hour access is expected to be restored in November.
Resources and Documentation
The Resource Documents webpage provides quick access to student guides, 101 documents and recorded webinars.
Functional: Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
Technical: All technical questions should be directed to the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP, or submitted via a help ticket online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern). Your help ticket will be answered by a team dedicated to working on Finance questions and issues. Business Systems Help Desk hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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