To: University Business Managers
From: Vanessa Peoples, Deputy Director, Office of Sponsored Research
Effective with the implementation of ConnectCarolina OSR is no longer able to offer online re-budgeting capability for contract and grant projects. Budget revisions for contract and grants must be processed in the project costing module of ConnectCarolina, which can only be accessed by OSR Data Management personnel. We are currently working on a process for routing budget revisions electronically via Infoporte and look forward to implementing this process in the very near future. In the interim, budget revision requests should be sent to your respective OSR Program Administrator via email using the revised budget revision form located at Please note, the online campus budget journal or budget transfer journal should not be used on contract and grant projects.
The program administrator for your department can be found using the Program Administrator search in RAMSeS under the Award Admin section or on the OSR website ( under the program administrator assignment list.
If you have any questions regarding this change please contact Justo Torres ( or Vanessa Peoples (