To: FACS Coordinators
From: Stan Waddell, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Chief Technology Officer, Information Technology Services
As part of ITS’s efforts to increase the security of our applications, we are initiating a change in procedure for managing RACF user IDs. RACF user IDs are required for logging into mainframe applications via Host Explorer (green screens) and Financial Services applications such as FRS and Finance Central.
Beginning Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014, ITS will utilize a new process to revoke all RACF user IDs that have not connected to an application in 400 days.
Users whose RACF ID is revoked must contact their FACS Coordinator to resume the ID before it can be used. User who do not know who their FACS coordinator is should go to and submit a remedy ticket to ITS 440-Ops Center; an email will be sent to the user identifying the FACS coordinator who can request the resumption of the ID.
If you have any questions about this new procedure, please contact Mechelle Clayton. Thank you for your cooperation in this important security procedure.
CC: ITS listserv, CTC listserv, Information Security Liaisons listserv, FACS Coordinators listserv, Business Managers listserv