To: Deans, Directors, Department Heads
HR Facilitators
Business Managers
From: Bruce Carney, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Brenda Malone, Vice Chancellor for Human ResourcesDate: July 20, 2011
In a previous memo dated January 3, 2011, to Deans, Directors, Department Heads, HR Facilitators, and Business Managers, a hiring freeze for state funded non-faculty EPA and SPA positions was implemented at the direction of UNC General Administration (GA). This freeze resulted in a special campus process which required Department Heads to submit a request for an exception to hire any State-funded position unless the position was considered “essential”. A special email address had been established for this purpose along with an exception request form.
We have just been informed by UNC GA that their special monthly reporting requirement on hiring “essential” State-funded positions has now been discontinued. Therefore, effective immediately, we are able to discontinue the special exception approval process that was implemented back in January as described above.
While this change eliminates the special campus-wide hiring freeze pre-approval process for State-funded positions, it does not alter any special approval procedures that may be established within your specific School or Division. If your School/Division has in place any special review procedures given current budget circumstances, they must continue to be followed. Likewise, the State budget challenges we face remain serious and substantial. As such, Department Heads should continue to exercise maximum prudence and discretion when filling any State-funded positions.
If you have any questions regarding this change, you can send email to the email address. This email address will continue to be monitored for the next two weeks for questions, after which it will be discontinued.
Note: For reference, the original hiring freeze memo referenced above is available online.