To: University Business Managers, Departmental Managers
From: Mike Freeman, Director of Auxiliary Services
Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services
Date: September 21, 2010
UNC at Chapel Hill continues to pursue identified areas of potential procurement savings. One area previously identified by Bain & Company is the cost of photocopying and duplication. Procurement Services and Carolina Copy are jointly pursuing possible savings and we ask for your assistance.
Carolina Copy, a unit within the University’s Auxiliary Services Division, fulfills the copying needs for most University departments by offering full copying services through a cost-per-copy program that includes supplying departmental photocopying equipment and all associated service and maintenance. In addition, Carolina Copy supports students’ and visitors’ personal copying needs by providing copiers in residence halls, libraries and other walk-up locations throughout the University. In order to ensure the most efficient and cost-effective photocopying and duplicating services are being provided consistently across campus, the University is determining the current annual volume and costs of copying that takes place on campus.
To determine the total number of copies that are run each year across campus, representatives from Carolina Copy will begin making personal visits to take readings from departmental copiers, including those that are not supplied by Carolina Copy. They will also gather additional information in an attempt to gain a better understanding of departments’ copying needs.
Once the total number of copies and associated costs are calculated, the University can better determine if departments’ current means of providing copies are the most financially sound and best meet the needs of faculty, staff and students.
Please direct questions to either Mike Freeman at 919-962-2403 or or Martha Pendergrass at 919-843-5048 or