To: Business Managers
From: Beverly Wyrick, Director, Fellowship Office
Troy Howell, Finance Training Coordinator
Date: June 11, 2009
StARS training has been scheduled for five dates in June and July. StARS, the Student Award Reporting System, is a system used to report payments received by students and to submit tuition, fees and other awards for payment. During the training, we will review the various system processes, as well as review policies of Student Accounts and University Receivables, the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, and the Graduate School. The format of training is partially lecture/discussion and partially hands-on, and you will have a chance to look up and enter data for students in your department, or students being funded by your department. Please bring with you student PIDs, account numbers, and stipend amounts to use during class.
During registration, you can browse events by sponsor. Our sponsor name is Finance Training. Your registration will be confirmed by e-mail. If you have never used StARS, or have limited experience with the system, please sign up for a “new users only” session. If you need access to StARS or would like to know more about the system before signing up for a session, please visit the Finance Division’s Training web site for access forms and training materials. Click here to register for StARS training.
If you have any questions regarding training, please contact Troy Howell, Finance Training Coordinator at 919-843-3069 or e-mail