To: University Business Managers
From: Chandrika Rao, Director, Accounting Services
Kathi Wimmer, Finance Training Coordinator
Date: July 1, 2008
The Finance Division is pleased to announce that journal entries for Development Office Gift Assessments can now be submitted using the online journal entry system.
The Development Office Gift Assessment journal entry is designed to create an online document showing payment of the fees assessed to a University department or foundation for services performed by the Office of University Advancement (Development Office).
The Office of University Advancement will work with each department and foundation individually to determine who will create the entry and the way the online system will be used to reflect their payments.
The online journal entry system is accessed through Finance Central. A link to Finance Central can be found in the top right area of the Finance Division Training web page located here. There is an online manual located within the Accounting category on the same web page. All users should review the manual prior to submitting a Development Office Gift Assessment journal entry.
Please share this information with your FRED administrator and other business staff. If you have any questions, please contact Kathi Wimmer, Finance Training Coordinator, 919-843-3069 or e-mail